Saturday, June 29, 2024


FOX News crushes CNN and The New York Times in May’s digital battle for views and engagement!

In May, FOX News Digital emerged as a leading news brand in multiplatform engagement, showing notable increases in minutes and views according to Comscore....

Yes, Microsoft Cross Device Service is causing high CPU usage in Windows 11; no, there is no fix

If you have been experiencing higher than normal CPU usage Windows 11 recently, you are certainly not alone. There is good and bad news. The...

Your company needs a BEC policy and five other email security trends

Hardly a week goes by without news of another email-based attack via phishing or Business Email Compromise (BEC) scam. These types of attacks can...

Securing AI copilots is critical — here’s how

The use of AI copilots is already helping businesses save time and gain productivity. One recent study found that employees who gain proficiency using...

Think you could spot a deepfaked politician?

Given the quality of many politicians at the moment you might be forgiven for thinking that sometimes a deepfake would be an improvement. But to...

New Location for Lathrop GPM in Chicago at 155 North Wacker

Lathrop GPM announced the firm’s Chicago office has officially opened the doors to its new office space at 155 North Wacker. The firm moved from the building’s 30th floor to a newly designed...

Is over-focusing on privacy hampering the push to take full advantage of AI? 

In 2006, British mathematician Clive Humby declared that data is the new oil -- and so could be the fuel source for a new,...

New CEO appointed for Ponant Asia Pacific

Deb Corbett, Ponant’s former GM sales and marketing Asia Pacific, takes on the role of CEO Asia Pacific when Chris Hall departs the company at the end of this month. Hall, who took up his position...