Monday, July 1, 2024

Enterprises become less confident in their network investments


A new report shows that 87 percent of enterprise decision-makers are a little or a lot less confident in the network investment decisions that they make.

The study from Arelion reveals that confidence levels have been significantly impacted for 40 percent of US decision-makers. 44 percent of enterprise network decision-makers cite technological change as the most disruptive force on networking decisions, followed closely by rising costs (41 percent) and climate change (37 percent).

Based on a survey conducted across over 500 respondents in the US, UK, France and Germany, the report finds 67 percent of those surveyed say that the speed at which network technology is advancing is making it harder for them to make decisions about the hardware and services to deploy in their network. This lack of confidence and hesitation appears to have led to some poor decisions. Due to geopolitical events in the past three years, almost half of the respondents (49 percent) admit that they wish that they had not made the networking decisions that they did.

Mattias Fridström, chief evangelist at Arelion says, “The findings of our research suggests that, over the last three years, enterprise network decision-makers are reeling from the effects of excessive change and disruption. They admit they’re feeling the heat. Their decision-making confidence has been undermined, doubt and indecision has crept in, and delays have ensued. Most strikingly of all, almost half regret networking decisions they’ve taken.”

AI is set to have an impact with 92 percent of decision-makers saying that they will be using artificial intelligence-based tools and/or systems to support their network management within the next 18 months — with half of these doing so within just six months. Geographically, the US has the highest number of AI early adopters (54 percent in the next six months), while in terms of industry sectors, the pioneers appear to be in financial services (67 percent).

When asked about threats to the global network infrastructure, leaders are most concerned about data center or DDoS attacks, both of which are feared by 43 percent of respondents. A further 42 percent fear state-sponsored cyber-attacks threaten their network operations more than any other force.

“…constant change and disruption are a fact of business life,” Fridström concludes. “The goal for enterprise network operators must be to prepare for it by considering their network strategy and their choice of network provider. They should seek support that will enable them to make confident, timely decisions and implement effective efficient network management solutions — avoiding doubt, delay and, above all, regret.”

The full report can be downloaded from the Arelion site.

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